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How to combine TV and Digital into a general advertising campaign

For us, TV and digital are not competing media but a way to reach the goals set by out clients. Obviously, the effectiveness of both channels will be different for various TA segments. Let's look at statistics.


In 2019, there was a quantum leap of Internet penetration (+ 8 p.p.) due to an increase in the number of residents in cities and district centers with a population of up to 100K.


Smartphonization of Ukrainians causes the level of Internet penetration in small localities and villages to gradually approach the figure in large cities. Internet penetration in the country is 71%. Specifically, this figure in villages is 58%, in cities with up to 100K residents – 70%, and in localities with a population of over 100K – 74%.


The accessible audience to be covered on the Internet has grown to 22.96 million Ukrainians. However, if one takes into account the broad target audience of 13 to 65 years of age, then the coverage potential on TV is 79%, and in digital – 70%. But look how the coverage of the two channels changes depending on the age.


The younger the audience, the higher the Internet coverage, and the older the audience, the higher the TV coverage.


Yet, there is an important nuance which is called "share of active use". Here, digital has outrun TV even among the broad TA of 13 to 65: TV – 18%, and the Internet – 22%.


When planning advertising campaigns, we asked ourselves: how to enhance and combine TV and the Internet into a general advertising campaign and, in doing so, maximize the result. We found the following solution – to effectively calculate coverage addition in digital in the event of TV placement. This is how we developed our own model – Calco, which is easily implemented in five steps.


Step one. It is necessary to identify overlapping between TV and the Internet among the target audience using these two media. As a result, you get four types of audience: people who believe that TV is the best, or that the Internet is the best, those who use both TV and the Internet, or audience not covered by either medium. At this stage, it is necessary to find a percentage of the target audience with a relevant socio-demographic profile, geography and other characteristics.


Step two. We determine the coverage in percentage terms taking into account the TA subtypes – the entire target audience, the TA who watch only TV, and the audience who watch TV and the Internet on the contact frequencies 1+3+6+12+.


Then we look for a saturation point for a TV channel. This is the time of placement on TV, when the TRP set stops providing significant coverage. To find this point, we should determine what coverage is provided to you by each new 10 TRP. At some point in time, you will see that TRP grow in tens but the coverage increases by 0.001%. It stands to reason that such placement in terms of frequency tails is for hard users of TV.


Step three. We determine a maximum optimized coverage on the Internet for the period of the planned advertising campaign. In other words: we need to calculate the percentage of the necessary TA that you could cover to the maximum degree in the period of the advertising campaign on the Internet.


Step four. Based on the obtained data of Step 3, we determine the volume of inventories to be purchased on the Internet. When planning, it is important to take into account that coverage addition in digital helps optimize the cost of placement by using a mixture of the banner and video formats.


A recommended optimal split will be 67% of video and 33% of banner placement. However, in this case it is important to assess the situation with the brand and objectives you want to fulfil – rollout, seasonal campaign, and others. Depending on this, the split of formats may change towards a more intensive use of video.


The result of Step four is determination of the overall required number of impressions on the Internet.


Step five. At the final stage, we determine a cumulative coverage for the mixture of TV and Internet placement to understand the overall performance of the advertising campaign. It would be logical to ask how impressions on the Internet could be transferred to TRP, since the placement planning and measuring systems are different for TV and the Internet. 1 TRP will be equal to 1% of impressions for the TA.


Now compare the results of coverages when you use only TV placement and a campaign where both TV and the Internet are used. While doing so, remember to evaluate the advertising budget economy. You will be pleasantly surprised by the figures.


You will find the digitized Calco model at